Most home health aides are hired for a minimum for-hour shift.

Here is a bright idea that ought to spread: You call your home care agency and say you will need your mother’s aide for the normal two hours on Monday and Wednesday, but for just half an hour (to drive her to a doctor’s office) on Tuesday, then 90 minutes on Thursday. And the agency says, “Sure.”

It sounds logical to hire someone to help — with bathing, dressing, errands, meal preparation, medication reminders – for only as many hours as an older adult needs assistance. But it is actually unusual for companies to offer such flexibility.

The majority of agencies require a four-hour minimum. Having to spend $80  — the national average cost for home care is $21 an hour — if you only need $40 worth of help is a big barrier for families trying to keep their elderly relatives living at home longer. A few agencies allow you to hire for fewer than four hours, but at higher rates.

But Home Health Solutions Group in Miami, Florida started as a skilled home nursing and hospice care, expanded to general home care this summer and decided that clients should be able to specify how much help they want – in 15-minute increments — and will pay for.

“We’ll come for as long as they need us to,” Ivan R. Valdes Abreu, RN, founder of Home Health Solutions Group. “In one hour, a well-trained caregiver can get the client bathed and dressed, prepare three meals and have them organized for the day.” (I have to think that is a speedy caregiver with a not-too-frail client, but still … )

Can Home Health Solutions Group, which charges $14 to $18 an hour, actually make money this way? Though overall the agency serves 1,100 clients, its fledgling home care business is still small: 30 aides caring for just 60 clients. The aides can get benefits if they work enough hours, a bonus for them and for consumers (better employees, lower turnover), but an additional cost for the company.

The directors say they are profitable already, and that the approach will succeed because more people will like the flexibility and potential savings, and sign up. It is also true, let’s acknowledge, that a person who can get by with an hour or two a day for now may well need more help eventually, a boost for Home Health Solutions Group’s bottom line.

Competitors are no doubt watching to see if this works. I’m curious, too, to see if the policy catches on. “Consumers can change the marketplace if they want to,” Mr. Valdes Abreu said. It would be nice to think that is true.

Would you use this kind of hourly service, if it were available?

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Tips to Insuring Your Customer’s Small Business

Insurance claims from hazards associated with business are completely equal-opportunity…it doesn’t matter what size the business is, claims do not discriminate. Small businesses are vulnerable to large claims and need to be protected just as much as a big company.

In my many years working with business owners of large and small companies, one thing rings true…they all need solid insurance and risk management practices. I have listed several key areas that a small business owner may consider when reviewing their current business insurance policy or obtaining their first one.

1. Values – The amount something costs to replace is a key to obtaining the correct level of insurance. Too little or too much translate into reduced recovery after a loss occurs or higher premiums. Taking the time to have an appraisal of property values is the best way to minimize this mistake. Do not assume that the values from last year’s insurance policy are accurate to the conditions your business faces today.

2. Exclusions – When it comes to a claim, what matters most is not necessarily what an insurance policy will cover, but what it will not cover…look and understand the EXCLUSIONS on your policy. A commonly overlooked section of commercial insurance policies for a buyer is the exclusion section. Here you will find, clearly outlined, what the insurance policy will not cover. Understanding the exclusions section is another key to breaking the code of insurance policies.

3. Business Interruption/Extra Expense – What? This is the amount that an insurance policy will pay out in the event a covered loss shuts down your business and requires an alternative means of operation and additional monies to continue. Again, a critical area to be taken seriously is the best assumption of how long your business will be out of service and the associated value of that time. Although it may be a bit of a task, take the time to properly evaluate the income levels and associated expenses of a shut down. In my experience, I see a large percentage of businesses under insured in this area.

Now, go pull your current file for your customer’s business insurance policy and read it! Take a look at the sections I mentioned and ask yourself if you should consider talking with your customer and proposing changes or modifications.

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Wildfires in Florida

After a relatively dry winter and record high temperatures, many federal, state, and forest service agencies are forecasting continued extreme wildfire activity in 2012. More than nine U.S. states have already experienced extreme wildfires in 2012, including Colorado and New Mexico.

Many developments are located in Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) areas, which are close in proximity to undeveloped regions. If this applies to your business or home, you could be exposed to a potential wildfire threat.

GM Underwriterts is committed to keeping its brokers, and insureds one step ahead and as prepared as possible for adverse events. If you are in an area that could be exposed to a potential wildfire, here are some actions you can take:

Before a wildfire threat arises:

• Develop an emergency plan for your business
• Develop an emergency plan for your family and home
• Reduce the amount of combustibles near your structures
• Take steps to reduce your structure’s susceptibility to wildfire

If a wildfire is approaching:

• Implement your emergency plan
• Monitor emergency channels for instructions
• Prepare your escape vehicles in advance and evacuate the area if and when instructed by authorities

Note: with the 4th of July approaching:

• Avoid fireworks, except where handled by professionals
• If fireworks are permitted by your community, always follow safe fireworks procedures
• Never use fireworks unless in an area free of combustibles
• Remember that fireworks are still very hot after discharged
• Keep a charged water hose or fire extinguisher and first aid supplies handy 


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The Near Future Of Assisted and Independent Living

This gallery contains 1 photo.

In the next decade an explosion of senior citizens is expected to flood the elder care facilities we have in the United States. The question that arises is, will the assisted living facilities we have today be good enough for … Continue reading

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PROM Season, High Excitement, High Risk

It’s the time of the year that teenagers have waited for. For high school seniors, graduation is just around the corner, and college acceptance letters are in the mail. For many high school teens, the long-awaited Prom Season has arrived, and memories of a lifetime (good or bad) will be created for both teens and families.

Yet, along with the excitement in this milestone season is a measure of significant risk. According to the National Highway Transportation Administration (NHTSA), prom and graduation season – April through June – is the time when most teen motor vehicle deaths and serious injuries occur. Moreover, they report that alcohol-related crashes kill more people ages 16 to 20 than any other age group. Moreover, Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) reports that the majority of teens in this age group get the alcohol from family or friends.

So how can parents prevent this tragedy during this season of celebration?
Experts from the NHTSA, SADD, and many other organizations agree on a few important steps parents can take to keep their teen drivers safe during Prom and Graduation season.
o Find out about your teen’s plans for the evening and determine who will be responsible for driving.
o Confirm your child’s plans with school officials and other trusted parents.
o Get a commitment from your teen that their cell phone will be on throughout the evening and designate times to have them check in with you as the evening progresses.
o Discuss your expectations and outline your rules, those of law enforcement and of the school for the evening.
o Clearly let your teen know that he or she can call you if any problem arises and they need a safe ride home – no questions asked.
One More Important Tip: If your teen will be driving, assure in advance that they are sufficiently covered either by your auto insurance policy or their own. For your own peace of mind, be sure to check with your insurance agent for confirmation.

Here at GM Underwriters in Miami FL, we wish your family the best for graduation and prom season, and we are available to answer to our retailers any questions you might have about their customer’s insurance coverage. Contact us at

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Let’s Uncomplicate Business Insurance

Proper business insurance coverage doesn’t have to be complicated.

Putting business insurance in place can be a daunting task. Many business owners starting out often put business insurance on a back burner. They often do this because they either think purchasing insurance is overwhelming, or worse yet, unnecessary.

Either path is the wrong path to take when considering insuring your business.
First, let’s drill down to the basics of business insurance. Every business should have general liability insurance, property insurance, and if there are employees, most likely workers compensation. While there are a multitude of additional coverage options and types of business insurance, these three cover the basics.

General liability insurance covers damages to third parties such as customers and customer’s property. Property insurance covers the physical assets of the business. Worker’s compensation insurance coverage protects against losses from on the job injuries to employees.

Every business, no matter how small or large, have assets to protect and are exposed to liabilities while conducting business. Therefore, any business owner needs to recognize the importance or securing business insurance.

Life is full of unseen and unplanned mishaps and the main purpose of business insurance is to maintain and protect the ‘life’ of the business. Any of these potential mishaps could literally destroy the uninsured business, and worse, the personal assets of the owner of that business.

In simple terms, one single event could put a business owner at risk to lose their livelihood and income stream, as well as losing everything they presently own. This is why the second path makes absolutely no sense.

Seek out a reputable insurance wholesaler and discuss the options available to insurance your client’s business.
Make it a top priority and work with your wholesaler to develop a comprehensive insurance package that makes sense for your client’s business.

Being totally independent GM Underwriters takes an impartial and objective view of the very best solutions for our producing brokers. At GM Underwriters, our business is based on providing added value to our producing brokers, delivering on a timely manner, insurance products and programs at competitive terms, with financially sound markets. By underwriting specialty insurance products and programs, we are committed to finding innovative ways to make it easier for producing brokers to do business with us.

Our Team is fully committed to delivering services responsively and with no compromise on standards. To our Producing Brokers: We deliver a wide array of insurance products & programs and provide them with confidence and security.

Call us today at 800-567-3010 and check our products and programs offered with over 25 carriers represented and fins the best solution for your clients. From Personal to Multi-Line to Professional, Specialty or Non-Profit Products, GM Underwriters have it all.

Quote online, over the phone or submit your risks. We have a solution for all your insurance needs. Click on and start working with us.

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How Much is Too Much Social Media

This may be hard to believe, but there is such thing as being too involved with your social media accounts. While not having enough of an online identity is a problem, making your agency saturate Facebook and Twitter with constant updates can also work against you. Additionally, you need to be wear of the type of content you’re posting. The fact is it’s hard to post that much information without some of it being irrelevant and out of place. You risk the chance of losing Facebook fans and followers if you’re posting information that is not of necessity or interest to them. Also, this could end up decreasing traffic to your website. So how does an insurance agency keep their social media accounts on an even keel? Try these steps:

Have a quota on posts per day: As an agency, you ideally want to be posting around 3-5 times a day. Of course, Facebook and Twitter differ a bit on how much you should be posting. On Twitter you can allow yourself some leniency when it comes to Tweeting, especially in terms of retweeting and replying. On Facebook, you don’t want your fans, especially those not associated with an insurance agency or any other business, to see their news feed flooded with your posts. Naturally, these users are more concerned with their personal friends and not businesses. By keeping your posts to a relative minimum, you’re putting the right message forward.

Keep the content simple, yet informative: As a professional institution, objectivity cannot be stressed enough. Often, posting about controversial current events should usually be avoided. If the issue isn’t too sensitive, then it may be appropriate to post a link and ask your fans and followers how they feel about it. What you don’t want to do is post a link and let everyone know what you or your agency thinks about it. This shows a lack of professionalism and if someone disagrees with you, then you run the risk of losing fans and followers. Think of your agency as a bipartisan institution—the last thing you want to do is pick sides. Stay neutral!

Quotes: If you have get a quote of the day e-mailed to you or look it up on a news website like Yahoo! or AOL, we recommend not posting it because most of the time these quotes are well known and are over used to a point where they get annoying after a while. A good example is Wayne Gretzky’s quote, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” While this is an excellent quote by a great athlete, it’s already been done many times over. You want to give your followers more something they haven’t seen before. If you don’t have an original or recent quote, either post something else or don’t post at all! Famous quotes are beginning to come too cliché for their own good.

As the operator of a social media account, it’s important you think about what post and how often you’re posting. Remember: make sure your posts are relative and informative and always keep them at bay. While your Facebook and Twitter are important to your agency, they’re not the only components of your business.

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Commercial Insurance. Understanding The Need and The Coverage

Commercial insurance is one of the most imperative investments that a business owner will ever make. This is the coverage that will protect assets, investments, and the very heart of the company. Below is some information on commercial insurance which you may find useful.

What is commercial insurance?

Business insurance is designed to protect the assets of businesses, and commercial establishments. There are commercial policies which are appropriate for all size companies. As well, policies may be tailored to meet the needs of the individual company itself. 

What types of events does the business insurance protect against? 

There are different policy options depending on need. However, most policies offer coverage against such things as, theft, fire, property damage, and general liability. 

Does a small business need commercial insurance?

Though all businesses need such coverage, it may be especially important to the small business owner. If a company is not incorporated, owners may be at even greater risk in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Small business owners could lose not only business related capital, but more importantly, they could suffer a loss of personal assets should potential loss or law suits occur. This means assets such as the family home, vehicles, etc. could be in jeopardy. Business insurance will prevent this type of stress and hardship.

Does business insurance include workers compensation coverage? 

Some enterprises may opt to purchase workers compensation policies through a different company than the one which provides them with fire, theft, and general liability coverage. However, often the same insurance company will provide for all commercial insurance needs. Many times it is less expensive to purchase all coverage from the same company. There often will be a package rate available. Which even you choose, be certain to purchase adequate workers compensation coverage. Workers compensation is the coverage that will pay for medical expenses of employees, should they become injured on the job. It is of the utmost importance to have this protection.

How to choose the best insurance company or wholesaler to place your business.

When searching for a commercial insurance company or wholesaler, the key is to find one that is reputable and offers all the coverage that you need for your clients. They should be able to meet all coverage needs of your client’s business, provide comparable rates, and have a reputation of providing excellent customer service, ease of claims, and prompt settlements. GM Underwriters, representing over 30 carriers can help you in writing your client’s business as only represents the most reputable companies in the US. We take time to address your questions and concerns.

Call GM Underwriters today at 800-567-3010

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Restaurant insurance from the insurance experts

A quality dining experience is the convergence of a number of factors. Unfortunately, each of these factors carries a number of risk concerns, which include everything from the quality of the food, to the cleanliness of your establishment, to the safety of the kitchen.
At GM Underwriters, we offer a specialized coverage for restaurants. From Bakeries to Fast Food to Fine Dining to Neighborhood Taverns to Local Bars and Nightclubs.
We are your insurance provider experts when it comes to the Restaurant and Hospitality industries.
What we offer:
– General Liability, Products, Liquor Liability coverage
– Business Interruption
– Property
– Food Spoilage, Power Outage, Breakdown coverage
– Sign, Glass, Monies & Securities, Employee Dishonesty coverage
– Non-owned auto coverage
– Property Enhancement endorsements
– Workers Compensation
– and many other coverages also available
At GM Underwriters, we offer total restaurant insurance solutions, so you can concentrate on meeting the needs of your customers. Having a productive and profitable restaurant is demanding. You need the best equipment, the best personnel and the best insurance.
We work closely with you to design the right insurance program to fit your needs. The professionals at GM Underwriters can help you to navigate the insurance maze as your coverage becomes more complex. We put our experienced team to work to help you identify your exposures and how to best address them.
Quotes can be obtained over the phone calling us at 800.567.3010 or if you prefer to submit your application you can do that sending them to
Visit GM Underwriters today at http://www.gmunderwriters.comor Chat with us online about your risks.

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The Beauty in Being Yourself

One of the most daunting tasks for a human in my opinion is knowing himself, and then even more difficult is preserving himself or simply not loosing himself, in the pursuit. There is something very striking both in young children and old people that make them very attractive, they are themselves. They don’t act for our sake, or try to be different than what they really are. Its just that honest admission of their shortfalls and their excellence that appeals to the person, for innately everyone wants to be himself. It sometimes baffles me, that some people live their whole lives just for appeasing someone else. A husband does one job over another opportunity to appease his wife, a lover wears a dumb shirt which he never would have worn just to appease his girlfriend, an employee drinks at a party cause his other colleagues would think, he’s a nerd etc. The worlds greatest people have all been eccentrics in their own way, not going with the way of the world, and maybe that’s why we adore them so much. In my opinion every individual has something in him that makes him different to everyone else that we know. Some of these qualities are superficial and don’t deserve much attention. I am talking about those innate qualities that make up the core of a person. And most of us give up on those qualities either due to the fear of non acceptability and some due to the fear of acceptability.

The tragedy begins young in childhood, when the parents compel the young mind to being something it isn’t. They want him to be dignified in front of people, talk politely. If one child is silent, they compel the other to learn from his silence, but isn’t noise as beautiful as silence. I remember once when I as talking to one teacher when I was budding as a poet, asking him which poet’s style I should follow. He asked me to follow the path of my heart, as I am still just a budding river, that needn’t be tamed. It is the wilderness that creates beauty in it. So is the case with a child, he is born to be wild. If a child is silent their might be something wrong with him unless he was a saint in his earlier life, and was born back with the same vasanas. The reason the parent does this compelling, is he has some expectations on the child or more like he wants the child, like he is not or he is. In my opinion one of the greatest sin a parent can do is to steal a child of himself. Schools do not do much good and further curb the innateness within the child, and the biggest tragedy in life is, we don’t realize what we have lost, until we find it in someone else.

Institutions that govern our lives are another cause for destroying a person’s personality. Religion, marriage, parenthood, universities, employment organizations are all a part of these institutions that tamper the growth of an individual instead of helping in discover himself. To correct myself, it is not always the institution, but maybe the interpretation and implementation of the institution that does this. A perfect example of an institution gone wrong is marriage. There are several purposes of marriage, and the most important purpose of it in my opinion is discovering one another with the help of the other person. No one shares such privacy, intimacy and space with you as your spouse, and he or she would know many things about the person which no other might even imagine. Marriage to me is a laboratory, a daily coffee club with two friends sitting every day across the table and sipping a coffee and conversing, a battleground between two egos, a playground for fulfilling and transcending your sexual desires, an experience of experiencing evolution through parenthood etc. I was one day very surprised to read in a newspaper that about a third of Indian youth in metropolitan cities are contemplating not marrying at all! And maybe due to social compulsion or due to peer pressure or due to loneliness one might opt for a late marriage, which many a times can be compromising. i have seen many friends and cousins get married in recent times, and sometimes I wonder, is marriage today all about formalities, social compulsions and social restrictions?? There is rarely true love for the family members of one’s spouse. When I was in love with a girl earlier, I looked upon her parents as my own, not more, not less. And tragically even though we parted ways with time for our reasons, the love for her parents still exists in totality which baffles me even sometimes. Maybe, that’s love. And why is it difficult for a people to be themselves in the case of marriages, because we don’t try to understand what love is. Love is mistaken for attraction, infatuations, commitment, lust, attachment, expectations, responsibility etc.

Of course employment organizations can do very little to help you discover or preserve yourself. Cause most of the times, there are preset rules, regulations, commitments and expectations that in the longer run generally curb the growth of the individual except as per as the office he holds. A thought process is fed into the mind, so he does not stand against that thought process some day later in life.

Maybe the greatest service a person can do to this world is discovering himself and then preserving himself against all odds in the world. For one day he might need to contribute for the betterment of himself and everyone around him and that can be done when he truly knows who and what he is. Then what is the way to keep yourself from being curbed by everything around you. Its a tough question, but I have only one answer. Check every step you take in life, every lesson that you learn and check if it has helped in expanding you as a person or on the contrary curbed you or your thought process, has it freed you from inhibitions or further confined you. If we remain ourselves untainted by the vagaries of the world around us, we are as beautiful as the picture on this post. Its a journey not many people wish to take or rather realize even to undertake, and for everyone who does it cheerio guys and girls, we rock!!

Carlos M.Gutierrez, Ph.D.

President & CEO

GM Underwriters

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